One IBAN, for all your currencies

Simplify your banking pool by using one single IBAN for all your currency holding. Collect from clients, pay suppliers, rebalance funds between your banks in one click.

Named Account

Always appear as the originator when you pay and the beneficiary when you get paid.


1 IBAN number that receives 25 currencies without auto-conversion.

Same day settlement

Settlement is same day on most currencies and reduces inventory days.


Global account

Work in the same currencies as your supply chain do. Track status of payments and control the associated costs. With NEO, you grow internationally without the headache of finding a bank that supports your business all over the world.


Send funds to +100 countries in 25 currencies. Make sure your counterparties always receive the exact amount of funds in time.


Simplify business relationships with your clients and get paid in their home currencies.


Track payments and share status with your counterparties using SWIFT UETR tracking number. You always know where the funds are in real time.


With+80 data points available for payments, balances and trades, you can build in-depth reporting.

All that you need to run a global business

NEO works as a cash pooling solution. We help you streamlining your cross-border operations by centralising all your cash flows in a single point..

SWIFT International

NEO is a financial connected member of SWIFT. Get access to SWIFT international payment network in major currencies.


Settle your Euro denominated operations like a local across the 36 countries participating to the Single Euro Payments Area.


Your Neo account is connected via SWIFT to more than 13.000 banks in the world.

100+ Countries

Work across te world with more than +100 countries reachable.

25+ Currencies

Your account accepts 25 currencies natively. No auto conversion is applied. You always get what you have been paid.

SWIFT GPI Tracking

Neo has joined the SWIFT GPI initiative that allows NEO clients to track their payments in real time.

Pay or get paid in local currencies

Operate in any of the 25 supported currencies. Simplify book keeping reconciliations and avoid auto conversion of funds received that most banks or PSPs apply.

Currency Code Name Cut-off Time Settlement Date
AED Emirati Dirham 15:00 Next Day
AUD Australian Dollar 15:00 Next Day
BGN Bulgarian Lev 13:30 Same Day
CAD Canadian Dollar 15:30 Same Day
CHF Swiss Franc 14:00 Same Day
ZCK Czech Koruna 11:30 Same Day
DKK Danish Krone 11:00 Same Day
EUR Euro 14:00 SEPA / 16:15 SWIFT Same Day
GBP Pound Sterling 17:00 Same Day
HKD Hong Kong Dollar 15:00 Next Day
HUF Hungarian Florin 14:00 Same Day
ILS Israeli Shekel 15:00 Next Day
JPY Japanese Yen 15:00 Next Day
MXN Mexican Peso 14:30 Same Day
NOK Norwegian Krone 11:00 Same Day
NZD New Zealand Dollar 15:00 Next Day
PLN Polish Zloty 13:30 Same Day
RON Romanian Leu 12:00 Same Day
SEK Swedish Krone 11:00 Same Day
SGD Singapore Dollar 15:00 Next Day
THB Thai Baht 15:00 Next Next Day
TRY Turkish lira 10:00 Next Day
USD United States Dollar 17:00 Same Day
ZAR South African Rand 11:00 Same Day


Get paid in your clients currency.

+25 Currencies

Let your clients pay you in their home currency.

No Auto-conversion

Receive exactly the amount that youu have invoiced. Neo does not apply auto conversion of funds.


Your clients can settle via SWIFT or SEPA for Euro.


See all the details of your payment for better reporting.



We make international payments easy for your business.

+25 Currencies

Make payments in any of the supported currencies.


Most of your payments are processed “same day” which means your beneficiaries’ bank receives funds within 24h.

Schedule payments

You can create an entire schedule of payments in advance and focus on other tasks.


Access a granular role and permission structure to control who creates and who validates payments in your team.



With comprehensive blotters you can always access all data about all your payments. Increase the quality of controls and reporting.


All is there. We let you access all of the data included in the payment message. Date, amount, originator IBAN, bank, receiving time, cost structure. All is there.


Work on your payments list from the platform. You no longer need to spreadsheet to find what your are looking for. Sort payments across multiple criteria in a click.


Create personal layouts depending on your goals. Not everyone has the same needs in a treasury team also each member can create unlimited layouts and work his own way.

Unlimited history

All have access all your payments. No limit in history. Perform audits on payments issued years ago in the blink of an eye.


Counterparties management

Store all your payers and beneficiaries details in a single point. Improve internal due diligence and streamline compliance validation from the NEO platform.


Manage an unlimited number of counterparts.

Compliance pre-check

Our compliance engine screens and scores each counterparty at submission so you know acceptance status before any payment takes place.

Bank account validation

We validate the accuracy of the bank account formats format each counterparty.

Document center

Store any relevant documents within your counterparty environment and anticipate compliance request of for information.


Great support from People, not bots

Work with a support team that understands your business model, knows cross border payments and is responsive. We truly care about your business.